I Will Association - Information Technologies Competition
I Will Association Information Technologies Competition took place Friday, March 4, 2016 and was total success! Contestants are the students of I Will Computer Educational Centres successfully providing education to hundreds of children in Nikolaev region (currently we have 10 such centres). Children from Nikolaev, Snigirevka, Yuzno-Ukrainsk, Radsad, Elanets, Ochakov had the opportunity to participate, more than 20 children have registered.
With the goal to promote learning and award most talented team, the competition included the following 4 categories:
Graphic Design
Word Processor/Essays
Programming/Visual Programming
Topics included but not limited to: Kaleidoscope - Our Computer Class, Small Person - Big Happiness, Our Big Family, Kindness knows no Boarders, Dream Big, etc.
This is a fun challenge for any student of I Will Association with an interest in computer technologies and is a great opportunity to test their ability in designing, understanding and implementing technology in practice. Students were also be judged on their presentation skills.
The winners in each category were happy to take home prizes and top 3 teams won new printer, projector and laminator to take home for I Will Computer Class.
Below is the list of teams who participated in the finals on March 4, 2016:
I Will Class Snigirevka: Команда Снигиревская районная библиотека для детей в составе
Осипов Валентин
Рудюк Влад
Дзимак Родион
I Will Class Leninskiy: Команда Дома творчества детей и юношества Ленинского района в составе
Степанюк Эльвира
Кописова Юлия
Безушко Алина
Кописова Алиса
I Will Class Nadezhda: Команда Коммунальное учреждение «Общеобразовательная школа-интернат I-III ступеней - центр общей и профильного образования и комплексной реабилитации» Николаевской областной в составе
Макарищев Олег
Данько Наталия
Ковтун Владислав
I Will Class Barbara: Команда КЗ "Николаевский центр социально-психологической реабилитации детей" Николаевского областного совета в составе
Омельченко Анна
Мирзакулова Диана
Жвирбля Александра
I Will Class Yuzhno-Ukrainsk: Команда Коммунальное учреждение "Центр социально-психологической реабилитации Южноукраинск городского совета" в составе:
Шаповалов Николай
I Will Class Snigirevka 2:
Команда Снигиревский Дом творчества детей и юношества в составе
Сапронова Светлана
Горьовий Владислав
Авраменко Илья
Special thank you to Olena Mosina, Vladimir Kotov and the team of passionate teachers and caregivers in Nikolaev for their extraordinary volunteering contributions in organizing such a fantastic event!
The event was priceless!
I Will Association 10th Computer Class Opening news makes the local paper!