Ochakov, Ukraine

Concert Organized for Ochakov Orphanage, donation of Nikolaev Children’s Organization.

The talented performing artists from The Nikolaev Palace of Education in Arts load up the buses and heads south to the quaint Black Sea village of Ochakov to meet and perform for the wonderful children of The Ochakov Orphanage. This was a crucial event to further our mission of sociological development, allowing the interaction of children from different experiences to learn about each other.

Concert Video (no audio)

The performances were spectacular and included dance and song numbers, all in “command performance” full dress! Following the entertainment, ice cream was handed out to all the children – or rather thrown out to all the children by Michael Fitzgibbon, the biggest kid at the event. The children were laughing with amazement as an adult were dare to have fun and look foolish (a pretty easy task for Michael).

Executive Director Tatiana Kotova made a beautiful address to the children and received many comments of appreciation and admiration from the young girls in the crowd who wished to grow up and be just like Tatiana.

Our most heartfelt thanks goes out once again to Valdimir Kotov for organization the entire event, from rounding up the kids, to reserving the buses, giving the right directions the drivers and of course, checking the mechanical condition of the buses and making necessary repairs!